i’m streaming world of tanks nd my main GPU is going between 100% and 30%.. weird, never had this happen
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I enabled Google chat in the Gmail app today
1. It seems they integrated back old Google Hangouts chat log, stretching back to 2013. However, not all of Google hangout chat log seems to be here. Just some of it.
2. So many spam messages in the 2016-2017 period backlog
3. There are some bizarre truncated exchanges and it’s unclear whether the exchange was incomplete or one sided like shown or whether the hangouts database transfer had tons of database corruptions :yonghuh:Like this exchange with a current work colleague
Hmm is this when I was working on brushing up colleagues resume :monkahmm:I give this scammer A for effort.
Sends three pages worth of Nigerian bank scheme, and then follows up by sending “please do you understand English?” In Korean language
i’m starting the year
by googling “IRS federal tax rate 2022”great, my formula for calculating tax payments was wrong
i was just thinking “my cashflow is a bit low, i wish i had left more money in the checking account. a bit nervous actually”
in the meantime overpaid 5k in taxes in december bc of my faulty formula, just found out now :yonghuh:
maybe if I do my taxes early this year i can get it backactually after reviewing the formula logic, formula seems correct. it generates the correct amount for december’s payment
why did i pay double that :yonghuh:-
Yongho Kim
oic now what i happened. after early december when i made my Q4 1040-ES payments, I decided to defer a bunch of invoices to january, which made them 2022 income instead of 2021 income – the difference in income seems to be the key factor in the tax difference.
These poor fellas at newspaper companies tinkering with the internet had no idea that it was the beginning of the end of their entire industry
I’m looking to change my health insurance
- hopefully I can get Physical Therapy/Kinesiology/Acupuncture coverage (maybe it will be a more expensive plan, but if it covers these things it will be worth it)
- or something where the process of referrals to specialists doesn’t take months. I hope to nail down my breathing problem. It’s just slowly getting worse I feel
- or maybe just give up and move to a cheaper plan
- LA Care agent said that even though CoveredCalifornia’s enrollment deadline is Jan 31, for off-exchange plans, the deadline is Dec 31 (huh??)
- Current Plan: Health Net Gold $450/month
- LA Care Direct Gold/Plat: $350-$400
- Kaiser Gold/Plat: $410-$460
i think i lost the USB receiver of my wireless mechanical keyboard :kek~1:
i packaged the keyboard and receiver for the oakland trip
then i thought “thats a dumb idea, the keyboard doesn’t fit in the suitcase”
now i don’t know where the receiver is -
I got my first COVID test ever in April 2021. Is it possible that most of my health problems are due to having caught and recovered from covid sometime in 2020? :PES_HmmSpecs:
Hmm I remember being quite sick for like 4 days in late December 2019 and then a week or two later in January 2020 again for like 4 daysI thought I discussed this possibility with my doctor multiple times in 2020.. ugh will have to ask the new doctor again next week during regular checkupI got my first COVID test ever in April 2021. Is it possible that most of my health problems are due to having caught and recovered from covid sometime in 2020? :PES_HmmSpecs:
I thought I discussed this possibility with my doctor multiple times in 2020.. ugh will have to ask the new doctor again next week during regular checkupI first tried to get a COVID test in January 2021 but my insurance, my doctor and medical group kept tossing me around til I finally was able to get one
Local free testing site: uninsured people only. If you are insured, talk to your doctor
Doctor: we don’t do COVID tests. You need to talk to your medical group
Insurance: talk to your doctor
Doctor: you misunderstood. I didn’t mean your insurance, I meant your medical group
Medical group: talk to your doctor
Doctor: oh you talked to your medical group… Oh ok let’s make the appointment with a lab in Chinatown.
That process took 3 monthswhat I did in the very beginning
looking it up online showed me Walgreens
Turns out it was drive through
I walked up to the window by foot and they were like “you need to be inside a car” -
so this is the California law regarding voter data
> California Elections Code 2194.
> (a) … the affidavit of voter registration information…:
> 3. Shall be provided with respect to any voter …. to any candidate for federal, state, or local office, to any committee for or against any initiative or referendum measure for which legal publication is made, and to any person for election, scholarly, journalistic, or political purposes, or for governmental purposes, as determined by the Secretary of State.
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=ELEC§ionNum=2194.it’s pretty broad. It’s used by:
- candidates and campaigns to organize their voter outreach
- researchers to analyze voter behavior patterns, for example see if there’s a race based or geographic trend for parties
- sometimes by campaigns to run “hit pieces”, like for example finding that the Republican Governor’s candidate in 2010 had never voted in her life – not sure how legal this last one would be
but it always needs to be elections related. You can’t use it to stalk your ex, or plan a school reunion, etc. It’s hard to enforce, but in theory, it’s one hair removed from the common definition of “public”. Like to get the data, you need to submit a written request to the state or county office where you sign under perjury (or something like that) that it will only be used for elections.
So this property owner information website that dill used seems to have the correct voter reg data. It looks detailed enough.
This use of the data would not be legal.
The website tried to skirt the issue by meekly putting this disclaimer:
> Voter registration data is public information and sharing this information helps maintain a healthy democracy. However, if you are concerned about your information being shared, you can request that your information be redacted.seems pretty weaksauce to me.
The laws I cited are California’s, but it shouldn’t be too different from state to state
man i was watching the 626 music video that vic posted
and i had a dumb epiphany
oh yeah there’s chinese people in LA too
there’s not many chinese people in ktown
but in other neighborhoods there are
so if there’s like 40 young chinese people speaking chinese lined up outside Hangari
that’s not necessarily tourists from china
they could just be from some neighborhood
man i like almost never go to the 626 and it had been erased from my mental map -
i’m getting bombarded with ads from the shitheads who bought the staples center ad. the ad reeks of “we are gonna get em those dumb millenials money – just throw in a spotify and netflix perk into the card and they’ll fall like lemmings”
the ad is so patronizing
“don’t like fees? we don’t either. we don’t have fees”
betthe narrator has a slight russian accent and whoever wrote the ad lines is not fluent in english
probably somewhere in the small print: “definition of “computer” are products listed in the “computer” category of crypto dot com”