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  • 9:03 pm on August 27, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    man i’ve been so out of habit of being outside
    i’m like walking
    and about to cross a street in a residential neighborhood
    a car comes along
    so I instinctively stop
    and get distracted
    in the meantime the car is completely stopped in front of me, waiting for me to cross
    driver: “tf is wrong with this mfer he clearly intended to cross, and now he’s kinda looking into the horizon and not moving. should i just drive away?”
    and like a good awkward 15 seconds later i’m like “oh”

  • 9:04 pm on August 16, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    > is using “oppa” if ur not korean okay?? like idk american australian etc.

    i think this can be a more complex topic
    you (and a lot on the internet) are approaching it as a “can a korean person say X word vs can a non-korean say X word” type frame.
    which has its merits and probably happens to a certain extent
    I’d invite people to consider the following issues as well:

    A. to what extent is “oppa” romanticized outside of the korean-speaking-sphere and/or kpop fandom culture? Are people aware of how oppa is used in the language overall, or only narrowly aware of oppa in the domestic fandom culture?

    B. do people use some words in isolation? for example “my oppa is so cute” as opposed to “우리 오빠 너무 귀엽다” and how do these interlanguage jargon mixings exacerbate any pre-existing tokenization of the language? Do they further A?

    C. Are people aware of the tendency within the korean language to convert/linguistically imagine interpersonal relationships and hierarchies using the language of family and how oppa is part of this larger phenomenom?


  • 11:19 am on August 10, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    I decided to return the rowing machine after two weeks of back pain. I don’t have enough time left in my 3-month return period to verify whether the back pain started due to pulling something wrong while rowing or whether it was just the usual bad posture sitting at desk.

    UPS was set to come pick it up yesterday. I stayed home all day, except for 1pm-2pm when I went to a chiropractor next door. I come back, and there’s a UPS “we missed you” sticker. Ok cool, they’ll be back tomorrow.

    Today morning I went to the psychologist 8:30am-10:20am, and *just in case*, I pulled the boxed machine outside my door.

    I come back and it’s gone with a “UPS picked up your package” sticker.

    Two days in a row and they come exactly during the only 1-hour window I am away from home.

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