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  • 10:46 am on May 29, 2021 Permalink | Reply  


    5am Woke up too early and couldn’t fall back asleep as usual. looking at stuff on my phone…

    8am breakfast. it’s kinda cold outside.

    10am Arrived at Rite Aid. Unlike 4 weeks ago for my 1st shot, I’m first in line! Nice.

    11am Back home, not feeling much yet. Took a shower. Playing Northgard on the computer.

    12pm Had half of a hamburguer and fries. Omg is this 800 calories even when halved? It was delivered a bit cold, too. I wanted to know what the rage about Shake Shack was about..

    1pm Start to feel some generalized pain. Took 2 caplets of 500mg acetaminophen and started watching Netflix. Some pain in the shoulder.

    2pm Feeling dinged, with some fever and almost asleep (possibly slept on the couch for half an hour), went to lie down face down for about an hour. Usually when doing this I struggle with stuffiness in the nasal cavities, but this semi nap was pretty straightforward – I can breathe normally with my nose, which is unusual. It was a heavy ding – like gravity was twice what it usually is and everything was pulling me down. No headaches.

    4pm Got up and finished the hamburger. I regret putting some dumplings in the rice cooker thinking that I might be able to keep at my daily goal of 2,200 cal max because all the moisture made the fries soggy. A rewarmed, dry hamburger and fries could have tasted great. As I move around the house a bit, the dingy feeling and sleepiness slowly recedes, with some minor pain in the shot area. If things go well I might be only out of commission today, returning to more or less normal activities tomorrow.

    6pm The hardest part of all this is not having any more calories I can ingest for the day. I think I am starting to feel a bit of fever again. Getting two more aceta caplets.

    8pm went lie down, looking at stuff on the phone

    10pm sleep


    3am Woke up, more water. Fever seems entirely gone, seeing how light my body feels compared to yesterday

    4am I’m having trouble going back to sleep so I took the nighttime version of acetaminophen.

    9am Woke up

    10am Breakfast. Body feels pretty heavy. Did it get worse than how I felt at 3am? Or is it a side effect of having interrupted sleep mid-sleep? (So feeling sleepy). Playing Northgard.

    12pm Lunch. Body definitely feels heavy. Do I have fever? I can’t tell.

    Also, I was thinking about this at 3am – this vaccine is mRNA, so it’s different from the old school ones which was just a weakened virus. So if the vaccine is just telling the body to produce antibodies, why do we still see flu-like symptoms? I thought weaker symptoms was a characteristic of vaccines with weakened viruses. Ok so hmm.. the flu-like symptoms apparently originate not from the virus itself, but from the body’s immune system response to it. So that’s why we still experience those symptoms. The difference is that unlike an actual infection or weakened virus, there’s no risk that the virus wins against the immune system and causes major damage to the body. Hmm although for COVID-19, doesn’t most of the damage, in the lungs for example, come from the immune response and not from the virus itself?

    1pm Lunch. If recovery is this slow, it looks like I’m gonna spend tomorrow Monday out of commission as well. Good thing it’s a federal holiday.

    Tried playing some of the old games that had long-winded dialogues that I didn’t have the patience to go through. But picked them up because these are controller supported. Unfortunately it’s still boring even when with fever. Reinstalled and played Civ5.

    4pm Having some trouble breathing. But I had these symptoms even before the vaccine, for about two years. I would wake up very tired, have some trouble breathing at a couple moments throughout the day, all the while feeling tired and drained. So this is probably the vaccine but it might be compounded with whatever was happening beforehand as well. Took 2 caplets of aceta.

    5p Dinner. Ah.. everything is better after food.

    7pm Feeling better after shower and TV watching.

    11pm Ok, I’m gonna lie down, watch some YouTube and then sleep

    1am A lot of interesting stuff happening on some Discord servers.. stayed up too late reading up, took Tylenol PM to sleep


    8am Breakfast. Ok, so it seems I have fever, I can feel it with my hands in my forehead. It’s light.. 2 caps aceta

    Hmm so when sick, I need to ingest more calories than usual. How much more?

    12pm Lunch.

    2pm Lunch 2

    6pm Dinner. Feeling pretty well so far, still a slight fever but it seems to be receding. Although this was the pattern yesterday too, so we’ll have to see how it is tomorrow.

    Played Civ5 and EU4.

    9pm My armpit lymph feel swollen, it hurts a bit when I touch that side. Maybe the immune system is in the cleanup stage, even though there never was any virus involved?

    12am Tylenol PM and sleep


    5am Got up for some water. As usual, the kitchen smart lights were on again. It does this randomly every few days, not sure why.

    9am Woke up. I had a pretty good sleep, I think. Still a bit of fever.

    10am Breakfast

    1pm Went outside for a bit to pick up lunch. I think this is the fist time I walked outside since the vaccine. It’s much warmer than previous days (73F)

    2pm Had a work meeting. The fever is not something serious, although it does get in the way of focus. Although it wasn’t too different before the vaccine either, which is… i’m not sure how to call this feeling – disappointing? Anticlimactic?

    5pm Dinner

    8pm Played Xcom

    1am Sleep


    4am Woke up out of breath with congested nose. Got scared of going back to sleep with the nose this congested, as usually has been happening before

    6am Got out of bed to play Xcom

    10am Breakfast. Ok, this is it. I don’t feel fever anymore. We are back to the old. Although armpit lymphs feel either swollen or bruised. The nasal congestion is the years-long apnea problem, unrelated to the vaccine.

    11am Lied down for a bit

    12pm Got up and made lunch. Start doing regular work.

  • 10:06 pm on May 27, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    at one point the way our group of friends would “show off” how buff we were was by going to the school soccer field, jumping on the soccer goal post, hanging upside down using your legs from the goal post bar, and then doing abs crunches.

    So during our lunch break we went to the field, I felt like I could do it, I jumped on the goal post and tried to hang upside down. The problem is that the goal post was not screwed on the ground and when I jumped on the goal post it started to swing a little, creating a pendulum effect. I was midway trying to adjust my pose into upside down when that entire 10 feet long post flipped down and hit my left ankle real hard against the ground with the post’s weight on it.

    From what I recall, it didn’t hurt too much. It cracked my ankle bones a bit, I went around school with the lower leg cast for about 3 weeks. We had a theater class final presentation (acting out a theater piece) before my cast was off, so I did my role standing in crutches. There was one scene where another actor would yell at me “shut up, drunk! go home!” and was supposed to throw me a bucket of water. The force of the water threw me off balance and I fell from my crutches which caused a commotion on the group of 100 people who were watching the theater play hehe

  • 12:12 am on May 26, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    My second Moderna shot is scheduled for Saturday morning.

    I’m trying to get ready. That involves trying to get back in shape a bit, doing workout and trying to pace it throughout the day before. Also, catch up on all these late work projects, in case I am down for a long period after the vaccine. I read that some people it’s not a big deal, but some people struggle for many days. This is a very important period for our team and I’d prefer not to be out of commission for too long, if possible. This is perfect timing, as the Monday following is a holiday.

    For the past 5 weeks, I’ve been struggling to get any work done. There was the physical fatigue/daylong tiredness, not getting enough air while sleeping, feeling anxious with creating proposal documents, eating too much all day and putting every single thing on hold while telling myself that the work project was the highest priority – that included exercise.

    I’m doing only exercises on the Ring Fit. A few days ago, I saw a post on loseit from some guy who only exercised on an Elliptical machine. Elliptical machines! Those are nice. Running on them was one of the nicer experiences from going to the gym last year. I could run on them all day, as long as there is something to keep me distracted. Maybe watch TV. Should I buy an Elliptical? Hmm… it may be worth it if I can put myself to do cardio for extended periods. I looked up more information, and decided to get a rowing machine instead, as people say it’s a better. It’s a much simpler machine, and cheaper.

    I received the rowing machine last Friday, opened the assembly manual, and then closed it back. It must have 100 pieces. I’m gonna try to build it slowly over the days.

    I stocked up on easily cookable mealkits and things to do during the daytime in case I end up struggling with fever for multiple days after the second shot. Already tested playing the Xbox Pass version of Octopath Traveler over SteamLink – it kinda works, although WiFi and controller signal is a bit spotty from the bed. Lined up TV shows to watch, maybe a book if there’s no fever. Lying bed, convalescent, is not that hard. The hard part is to not fall asleep while lying in bed during the day. Because if you sleep during the day then your sleep cycle gets messed up.

    After the 2-week wait period after the shot, I think I want to go to a spa. They are reopening. I think I’m also gonna stop going to the acupuncturist. I haven’t felt a whole lot of difference and it’s crazy expensive. Maybe I’ll go get some back massage.

    We are also having an in-person work meeting next month.

    Things are getting exciting.

  • 1:32 pm on May 25, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    i’m gonna study korean grammar
    so i can explain better when intermediate level people ask q’s

    wish there was a book or document that
    1) is written in english (so that I know how to explain grammar in english)
    2) only explains grammar rules, and is not structured in a learner-friendly format where you are learning grammar, learning vocab, familiarizing yourself with the expressions while still keeping you motivated (that’s a lot of side knowledge i don’t need)

    they exist, but only in korean language – the old school books

    in english, it’s almost invariably gonna have #2

    i explain korean grammar using spanish language grammar analysis rules, and i’m almost certain that that’s the wrong way of explaining it

  • 2:11 pm on May 24, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    so in the 2020 Dem Presidential Primaries there was a candidate named Mike Gravel from somewhere up there in the midwest, Governor of North Dakota or something. He didn’t do well, dropped out very early.

    Apparently during the campaign he created a YouTube channel to promote the campaign but then repurposed it as the “Gravel Institute” and now they are an educational channel promoting left politics and socialism.


    I don’t recall Gravel being notoriously progressive…

  • 11:44 pm on May 20, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    so a month ago I came across this super interesting video about mount baekdu:

    It is a new channel that just skyrocketed with extremely high quality vids.

    I came across another vid about volcanoes, and turns out that this is the same guy’s previous channel.

    The guy published videos for 2 years, racked up 500k subscribers, but then decided to make a new channel in late 2020. Why?? I’m so confused.. his last video has an extremely low view count, that’s true.. but 500k subs! That’s gotta count for something!

    • Yongho Kim 12:05 am on May 21, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      this video:

      lists two previously published videos in the ending cards (15:03 mark), but the card links are deleted, and only one of those two is actually published in the youtube channel. My guess is that maybe the author had to take down Part 2 “Mega Eruptions” video due to some problem (errors in information presented?) and maybe that was the reason to start a new channel

    • Yongho Kim 12:50 am on May 21, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      when compared to kurzgesagt..

      kurzgesagt is very mainstream, easy to digest
      with this guy, i need to take notes
      like i’m shocked and super thrilled at the stuff being presented mid-video
      but the guy explained theory like 5 minutes earlier about how they happen
      and then goes through like 4 examples
      and i’m like “okay what did he say about plume volcanism? because supposedly that’s why they are located under hawai… shit i need to rewind”
      but even though i’m lost the visuals is spectacular
      i think children will get turned off by these videos – a little bit too much theory and abstract graphs instead of friendly birds- but i think that’s the appeal
      i have so many questions after seeing these
      like does this explain why ancient sailors believed in krakens? if it’s possible naturally that your ship, in somewhat bad weather conditions, suddenly drop 30+ meters under sea level as the waters surrounding the ship suddenly sink that deep, it would be no wonder that any surviving sailors would think that a deep ocean monster pulled the ship down

      the guy drops the ball at the end of the rogue wave vid and says that rogue waves can be explained through math equivalent/similar to quantum physics. that was a very weak explanation and didn’t go in detail at all, while filling visuals with lorem ipsum computer code. he then acknowledges it post-production in the video description and viewers commented that it should have been handled differently

  • 11:39 am on May 18, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    posted as a comment on this YouTube vid:

    Did you know that Windows 10 has a ceiling on how many resources it can assign to USB devices? Beyond that, you can’t plug more USB devices, even using hubs. Also, bandwidth-intensive devices will clog up your USB hub, making the other devices “stutter”, which you can see if they are input devices like a wireless mouse. It’s about 96? or so resources (addresses? I don’t understand it very well), but some devices take up more than 1. And this includes hubs – USB hubs also take up the resource. I reached that limit.

    Computer with 9 USB ports connects to:

    • USB Hub1 30 feet away
    • USB Hub2 (3.0) 10 feet away
    • Webcam1, C930e 80 feet away (via cable extension)
    • Webcam2, C920 30 feet away (via cable extension)
    • Audio Interface
    • HDMI Capture Card
    • Mic1
    • USB Hub3 50 feet away
    • Webcam4, C920

    PCIe USB 3.0 Expansion Card with 4 Ports connects to:

    • Webcam5, nobrand
    • Webcam6, nobrand
    • Webcam7, nobrand
    • Intuos Tablet

    USB Hub1 (2.0, 7 ports) connects to:

    • Printer
    • Document Scanner
    • Wireless Keyboard1 Receiver

    USB Hub2 (3.0, 10 ports) connects to:

    • Touchpad
    • Wireless Keyboard2 Receiver
    • Wireless Mouse1 Receiver
    • Wireless Mouse2 Receiver
    • Presentation Clicker Receiver

    USB Hub3 (actually it’s just a splitter with 4 ports.. not sure if there is a difference with larger hubs) connect to:

    • Webcam3, C270 30 feet away (via cable extension)
    • Numpad

    I’m left handed and use vertical mouse, which makes it impossible to find single wireless receiver keyboard+mouse combo that includes a left-handed vertical mouse.

    It seems that devices that connect via Bluetooth do not take up the USB resource – but I haven’t tested thoroughly yet. After hitting the limit on Windows and reading up on it and realizing that there is a hard limit, I’m trying to move some of the devices to Bluetooth (since they can do either a BT or a IR connection)

    Bluetooth devices:

    • Headset1
    • Headset2
    • Xbox Controller
    • Potentially: Touchpad, Clicker, Tablet
  • 9:17 pm on May 17, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    i’m watching westworld and this scene caught me by surprise

    so the protagonists get into this structure, walking away from the villains in style

    and they activate this super high tech device that neutralizes any nearby electronic equipment to disable security

    Dolores is like “watch me, it’s magic” and walks past “security”. Very badass, very cool.

    But this is just LA’s subway fee gate. They are basically teenagers jumping over the fee gate without paying.

  • 3:03 pm on May 17, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    it seems like the microchips are working. reddit read my mind today:

    Is anybody else never satisfied with sweets/junk food "in moderation"? from loseit

  • 9:49 am on May 17, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    “In breaking news, a group of DACA patriots are calling for the resignation of President José María Jesús, claiming that he didn’t properly complete form I-821D, making him ineligible to call himself the first dahcuh president of the United States. Constitutional concerns also plague the debate. Fox reports with an in-depth story at 9”

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