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  • 7:36 am on November 4, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    You know tech reviews keep saying that consumers like big screen phones and they sell well and that’s why there’s no small phones but I wonder if the real issue is that when you have a big screen you can fit a bigger battery underneath.. and if you have a small screen and you end up with a small battery, that would be the kiss of death that would tank sales. Are we completely oblivious to that fact, I wonder

  • 11:22 pm on November 1, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    last year in September i opened an IRA and investment account (Ameriprise) and bought index funds (CSIEX) with the money
    then a month later, after I knew I had enough money, I doubled the amount – I put more money in
    the index fund grew pretty well for a few months and then lost quite a lot of value with the Ukraine war (20%)
    throughout the whole time I was looking at Mint and going: “huh I only see the amount I put in in September. Why is the October amount not shown?”

    now I know why
    I only transferred money to the financial institution, but I also had to buy more index fund with that money. It was just sitting there as “Cash/Sweep”
    I thought the money I transfer from my bank would automatically buy more index funds smh
    it was sitting there in my account for an entire year, not being invested :facepalm:

    on the upshot though, if I had figured out to properly invested that cash last year, I would have lost twice the value I lost over the course of 2022
    the cash stash didn’t lose value. it just got charged some small FTC fees each quarter

    apparently I have to “place a trade” but the web interface is not showing CSIEX as a valid symbol :yonghuh:

    i’m gonna ask the agent who opened the account last year how to do this thing :yonghuh:

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