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  • 9:24 pm on October 20, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    so a long time acquaitance on facebook posted… 

    so a long time acquaitance on facebook posted on his wall that “i’m super into jordan peterson and the incel movement. they pose deep questions about society”

    I had to do multiple double takes.. is he saying they are worth examining to see how they arose and how to correct/eradicate it, or is he saying they are valid?

    he oipened the post by a supposed quote to jordan peterson: “why not?” – he claims it’s “so deep”

    so instead of reading the infuriating set of 5 links he posted along with it, I just googled “jordan peteron why not”, and didn’t find the source but found this curious article:

    i’m surprised, because it’s the progressive zine the atlantic
    but the writer, who is not a guest columnist – apparently he writes for the atlantic – argues that
    1 jordan peterson is misunderstood
    2 in this particular interview, he was not trying to insinuate anything problematic
    3 we have lost our etiquette of a good debate and by being so aggressive with jordan peterson, the host has lost credibility

    at first i was like “huh”

    then i read a bit the quoted lines

    yeah, not really

    the host asked jordan peterson
    “is the state of things fine as they are?”
    peterson says “no”, followed by “but men do more engineering, and women do more nursing”.
    yeah bro that’s not an example on the topic of the question. peterson is steernig the topic to neutralize the attack
    the writer is displaying classic behavior of the alt-right playbook:

    i don’t want to watch the interview, because i think i already know peterson is gonna be slimy to the point of driving me angry, but i’m sure the host (Newman) did a fine job.

  • 12:26 pm on September 2, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    > In a statement Friday, Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich said the “new ‘detailed’ inventory list only further proves that this unprecedented and unnecessary raid of President Trump’s home was not some surgical, confined search and retrieval,” characterizing the search as a “SMASH AND GRAB.”

    Lol they should be thankful that
    1) no bomb was used to blow up any part of the building structure like they do in LA
    2) No one in the household was shot to death

  • 9:31 am on August 25, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    I got covid

    partner progress:
    8/13 afternoon: start to have body aches
    8/14: body aches, some fever, throat pain. start isolation. rapid test positive
    8/15: more throat pain, swallow pain, phlegm, no fever and no body ache
    8/16: lose sense of smell
    8/17: feeling better, walking outside.
    8/18: start to spend time with me
    ~8/20: recover sense of smell
    8/23: rapid test negative
    8/25: start meeting some friends masked

    8/15: friend positive
    8/20: friend’s roommate positive
    8/26: friend negative

    my progress:
    8/13: exposure
    8/15: evening some itchy throat (ate a lot of icecream before this)
    8/16: rapid test negative. some headache & tiredness, not feeling enough air when breathing in (as usual). armpit temp 98. coughing/itchy throat. 100.4 F degrees oral. ibuprofen. start isolation.
    8/17: rapid test positive. 99 F degrees oral. some fever/headache. a bit more throat pain than yesterday, although it doesn’t hurt much when swalloing (and probably eating). throat feels very dry though, when i was poking nose for the rapid test, it triggered some dry coughing. started taking dayquil/nyquil. (dayquil liquid color was confusing: )
    8/18: got the exposure smartphone alert. fever and pains gone. phlegm, nasal congestion and coughing
    8/19: runny nose.
    8/22: get back to working from home. had some trouble breathing with nose, feeling nauseated. took most of the day off.
    8/23: rapid test positive. got back to working half a day from this point on. stopped taking nyquil/dayquil.
    8/25: rapid test positive
    8/26: rapid test negative
    8/28: rapid test negative

  • 9:28 pm on August 19, 2022 Permalink | Reply

  • 11:48 am on August 14, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    I was reading Prop 28 opposition and saw that the LA Times editorial opposed it.

    I’m sure they make a series of interesting points in their argument. But this one quoted line is a particularly bad take:

    > What happens if the student population plummets in future years while the number of disabled elderly people grows?

    Uh, then we change laws to reflect the changed reality. It’s as if people wanted to create brand-new laws in the 1910’s regarding car accidents and what happens if a car driver hits a person, etc, and people objecting to those laws from being made, saying “well we are all gonna be flying in spaceships in the future anyway. No need to regulate cars.”

  • 3:13 pm on August 9, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    > Am I still considered a dreamer even though I’m an old woman and all of my dreams have died ? :peepoHmm~1:

    humans are peculiar organisms that live in the present but also in the future
    if they lived in the present only, the realization that there is no food in front of them at that very moment would drive them anxious
    because the future is part of them – knowledge of where you will eat your next meal, and the next day, and even the simplest future planning – it is that you are a dreamer

    so your dreams are not yet dead 💀
    your revised dreams just happen to better reflect the oppression of the working class under capitalism :yonghuh:

  • 1:19 pm on July 27, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    I crossed the street during Walker green light
    Two cars turned in front of me
    1. A car coming from the opposite direction, making a right turn
    2. A car coming from my left, making a right turn
    A third car coming behind me also tried to turn left ahead of me but I managed to walk ahead of it

  • 9:00 pm on June 24, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    a latino man who uses the N word, thinks racial justice is about “not offending people”, laughs at progressive politics, spreads right-wing hyperbole about crime stats in black communities in south chicago and gets annoyed at protests to no end
    is saying
    “i’m not gonna support abortion”
    “you keep protesting needlessly in downtown chicago where there are no republicans and you will lose supporters”
    as a threat
    i fail to see what the threat consists of

  • 2:44 pm on June 24, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    hmm.. i don’t get the argument

    also, the line “businesses don’t mind giving frequent flyer miles to their employees as it’s a tax-free benefit” makes little sense. whether or not the frequent flyer mile is taxed or not shouldn’t be too relevant when giving it to their employees. It’s not like it counts as a charitable donation where the company is getting deductions

  • 6:58 pm on June 13, 2022 Permalink | Reply  

    I felt Chavo del ocho was such a sad show
    It’s an empty world
    With just 6 neighbors
    Bickering in that little corner of the city
    Which seems to be the only time-space in existence in that universe
    I was 12 and I was watching it with my brother on weekdays 6pm waiting for parents to come back home and the show was making me feel empty inside

    a lot of shows made me feel empty in those years
    like gatchamen

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