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  • 2:10 pm on December 20, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    youtube showed me all the past spidermans in a row and i can’t tell which ones
    1. i watched
    2. just saw little tidbits in passing while someone else was watching it on tv
    3. saw some highlight action clips on youtube
    i recognize all the main characters and villains

    but i don’t recall when and why i had watched each

    i’m just an uncivilized guy who mindlessly watches one action/thriller blockbuster every 2-3 years and calls it a day

  • 10:16 am on December 18, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    windows facing east = get sunlight into the room in the morning, it’s warmer and overall the room is much brighter
    windows facing west = get sunlight into the room in the afternoon, it gets too hot in the afternoon so you have to put blinds. recipe for depression

  • 5:01 pm on December 13, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    woa it hasnĀ“t even started raining yet and we are having blackouts
    my ccomputer turned off
    and came back 2 seconds later
    the PSU somehow managed to keep it on
    I could hear the lights in the house flicker on and off repeatedly for a few seconds in a quick succession going “bzzzt bzzzt”
    then a minute later it happened again
    at which point I just turned off the computer. im not gonna risk frying the motherboard
    i waited 50 minutes and it hasnt happened again so i turned it back on
    do i need to replace this PSU

  • 2:30 pm on December 13, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    i think at this point maybe we have to accept
    that gen z’ers just have a different food photo aesthetic
    no longer in the realm of instagram
    but rather dominated by tik tok
    it’s tiktok-influenced photography
    that’s why he keeps taking these portrait photos
    he can’t see in landscape
    there needs to be room for a catchy joke subtitle
    you don’t get that in landscape

    like this. the photo is primed for this.

  • 2:03 pm on December 12, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    I’m thinking of buying a small fridge and turn off the regular family sized fridge that came with the apt because it makes a lot of noise

    Idk I need to think how much of the current fridge space I can optimize – for example if I’m going to have this bag of dumplings sit in the freezer for 2+ months, maybe I should just throw it away. Etc.

    Maybe something like this 3cu one

    I currently don’t use too much fridge space

    As for the old fridge, just keep it there, powered off, use as storage cabinet
    I’m also gonna measure the current fridge noise in decibels, maybe the difference in noise won’t be big

    current noise level is 44db when it’s working. most mini fridges claim 37db

    also i wonder is it making a lot of noise because i often forget to completely close shut the fridge door

    • Yongho Kim 3:45 pm on December 12, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      current fridge is 18cu, 65x30x30
      freezer: 4cu
      fridge: 14cu

      Frigidaire 18cu FFTR1821TS Best Buy, Amazon, Home Depot

      Product Label

    • Yongho Kim 8:04 pm on December 12, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      maybe i’m overplaying in my head the level of noise the current fridge makes. when it’s quiet, it’s dead quiet. my PC fans make more noise. When it’s working it’s kinda noisy, although I measured it with a noise level app on my phone and it measures an average of 42db.

      It seems a lot of fridges claim 40db, some claim 37db but that’s it.

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