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  • 9:44 am on September 30, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    hmm so I wanted to open retirement savings this year

    there are regular IRAs and Roth IRAs

    • Korean financial advisor who I went to ask first about retirements: so you should get a Roth IRA, those don’t get taxed
    • My latino financial advisor: dude that Korean advisor must have super rich clients who get income from renting out buildings they own. You don’t own any buildings right? So yeah for normal people who only make money from working, a regular IRA is better, because you get your taxes deducted now. Then when you retire you will have zero income, so it doesn’t matter if they try to tax you for your IRA income at that point.
    • Internet: regular IRAs get taxed after you retire, Roth IRAs get taxed when you put the money into the Roth. So if you are gonna be making more money after retiring than at your current age, then Roth IRA is better, but if you are gonna be making less money after retiring, regular IRA is better (so agrees with my financial advisor)
    • My CPA who is Korean: you are opening a regular IRA this year? Uh those don’t get tax deductions, Roth IRAs get tax deductions

    Do these Koreans know something that my advisor doesn’t? Oh god are they doing some loophole or scamming the system

  • 8:30 am on September 30, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    when i was a college student i saw those credit card ads posted on the college campus
    and I thought that the APR was interest that had to be always paid as the cost of using a credit card
    otherwise, why would they display the APR rate so prominently in the ads?
    so I thought “so you spend $100 with your card and then afterwards pay with $112 out of your bank? thats.. unnecessary”
    and never used a credit card until 9 years later

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