You have 30 dollars and 8 mouths to feed, what’s for dinner?

I’ll sign up for two Blue Apron plans at new subscriber promotional rates, which is currently $10 for 4 meals. For $20, we would have 8 meals spread across 4 menu choices, including shipping & taxes.

Using the remaining $10 we pay the neighbor’s son to work as the butler making the table and serving up the food over one hour. I’ll cook the food.

The menu selection of choice for this week will be:

We should propbably tip the kid for his work.. but we are out of budget.

Don’t worry, when signing up for the meal kit subscription we happened to use the Chase Freedom credit card for payment and activated the 10% off (up to $6) on the card’s targeted Chase offers, to get a $1 statement credit back on each order.

With this unexpected cash reserve we can afford to tip the kid for $2… phew.

With a daily food budget of $30 I assume we don’t do much international traveling so we’ll be saving insights on Rakuten MR stacks for another day.

Thank you venture capital angel investors.. this is your money at work.