> why did she censor the knife blade?

youtubers and streamers are not very informed on the legal side of things
rumors go around ssaying “oh hear hear, so and so got banned from X platform because they showed a knife on stream”
and viewers and commenters keep passing on the message because they think they are helping the youtuber
to the point it just becomes a “fact of life”
that’s probably why she blurred any knife
the funny thing is, I think it is highly likely that the original source of the “you can’t show weapon on stream/youtube” was probably some right wing weirdo who was angry that they or their favorite right wing streamer got banned, and tried to twist the ban into a “oh look youtube is so stupid the creator just showed a gun on stream and that was cause for a ban, so stupid”
when the cause of the ban was probabbly a bigger problem like espousing nazi viewws or something
butt they tried to attack youtube using that line of argument
and after a while, the whole fight and argument got lost
and only the random context-less “you can’t show weapons on stream” stayed as a groundless “truth”