Mmm what does this event entry mean on Google calendar :yikes: it’s not my birthday. I might have entered a fake day because i consider the birthday an element sometimes used to break 2FA. The calendar app is not letting me tap o nthe thing to see more detailed information.
Whose calendar is it anyway :yonghuh:

it does not appear on the desktop computer view of my work calendar, nor my personal calendar
so it must be.. that i have peoples’ gmail email address entered on my address book
and some of them entered their birthday and set the privacy setting of that info as public
and it shows up on my phone
but not the desktop browser view :yonghuh:
the only problem: i can’t tap or long press on this to see who it is
so other than knoiwing that their name starts with “Y”
this is kinda useless
i wonder if it’s a deprecated function that android developers forgot to finish erasing