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  • 7:42 pm on September 29, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    I put the debate youtube live vid on waiting countdown on the ipad suspended over my head, minimized the vid, fell asleep, and woke up to the video audio of Trump and Biden yelling at the same time.

    Wow this was like those 6-person CNN yelling panels.
    Except 2 people were making the noise of 6.

    I turned it off and went back to sleep, and woke up right around 7:35 before the debate was finally over.

  • 5:11 pm on September 29, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    I can kind of follow the logic in Loeffler’s ad. Its premises are:

    • Biden is a liberal globalist who will bow down to China’s threat for corporate profit
    • Trump is bravely standing up to globalists like Biden
    • Loeffler is even more hardcore than Trump. How Hardcore? As Hardcore as Attila, who was in literal war with China (the Attila in the ad mumbles something about going to war with China)
    • So don’t vote for that other weaksauce Republican candidate, vote for Loeffler.
    • The killing of the scribe may be a gag element to make it more rememberable (in addition to the fact that it features Attila), or maybe it’s trying to do a parallel with newspaper reporters, or maybe it’s a symbol for Loeffler’s Republlican opponent – “getting rid of your own if they are not hardcore enough” – something like that

    The funny thing here is, naturally, that Attila never got even close to China. Attila’s sphere of influence was Central Asia and Eastern Europe, thousands of miles from then-China. Genghis Khan (and his children and generals) did. Does Attila have more name recognition than Genghis Khan among southern whites? That’s somewhat interesting.

  • 3:40 pm on September 28, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    so I was thinking after seeing these tents protruding into the parking lot everywhere
    normally, there would be no way in hell to take over a portion of the parking lot. business owners think the parking lot is their lifeblood
    maybe now that they are up to it, how about have the city offer to set up these semi outdoor spaces for restaurants
    a mini public plaza – food court hybrid
    and once the businesses agree, set it in stone
    drill iron stokes deep into the concrete to “help keep tent in place”
    and boom! reappropriation of 10% of parking spaces in the city for public use. for people to chill and study, eat ,sit and hang out etc

  • 3:34 pm on September 27, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    why does Yes on 23 have two websites? Both are sponsored by SEIU-UHW. lol so confused


  • 12:15 pm on September 20, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    my computer won’t stop using less than 37GB of RAM even though I closed most non-essential tabs
    this is what SOCIALISM does to you!
    you get fat and lazy

    still like this after closing all chrome windows. (Indesign and photoshop still running with no project open)

  • 10:27 am on September 20, 2020 Permalink | Reply

    Trump: If I lose to him, you will never hear from me again. You will never see me.

    “I’m Joe Biden. And I approve this message” [Super happy smiling Biden photo]

  • 8:58 pm on September 19, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    watched the first episode of community.

    holy shit john oliver is here! watching him for 4 years precedes whatever character they gave him in this series

  • 11:15 am on September 15, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    I remember when I was 16 years old, I was only allowed to play games on weekends. And the computer was in a mini room next to the kitchen. So on Friday at 10pm, I would go to bed super excited. And out of that excitement, often wake up at 1am. And so I would sneak into the computer room and play 삼국지 4 from 1am until 7am, when mom would find me, speechless

  • 2:18 pm on September 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    taking up political correctness as a “cause” is for status quo electoralists who think they are contributing
    they aren’t
    non-offensive language is merely a middle point compromise
    that battle was won decades ago. we won. stop trying to convert straggler diehard racists, spend your time in something that actually hurts The Right

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 2:24 pm on September 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      here’s some ideas: land redistribution, taxation of financial instruments, $30/hour living wage (adjusted to local living costs), gender income parity, taking cops’ guns, nationalization of essential industries..

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 2:32 pm on September 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Hello Sir, welcome to your local office of the United States Amazon Service (USAS). Are you returning a product you purchased?

  • 11:21 am on September 5, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    When I find an iOS app on the web while browsing the internet on a desktop computer, having Apple disallow me from installing it from the computer, unlike Android, is so stupid. Might as well lock up the entire app store website.

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