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  • 12:13 am on October 6, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    Of the range of possible scenarios drawn by FiveThirtyEight, I like this one. It makes us true Coastal Elites.

  • 8:35 pm on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    Trump is doing this all wrong. He needs to go out there, to his loving crowds, no masks, shake hands with the volk and give impromptu mini speeches strengthening the Will of the American Ethno-community. That’s how real dictators handle this shit. Anything below is weaksauce.

  • 6:51 pm on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    I’m having one weird reproducible Windows 10 BSOD.

    1. I have five monitors. When I’m doing translation work, I usually divide the main monitor in half, and then the left1 monitor in half in a 70% L, 30% R ratio. As I have to manually adjust the 70/30 split, the exact dividing line changes each time I do it. Almost all windows being split this way are Chrome windows in “Open a New Window” Chrome shortcut (it’s a neat setup that loses the address bar and tabs, and prevents new tabs from opening on it, pretty much behaving like an application window.

    2. I use Win+Left, Win+Right to snap windows into the existing splits. However, for the 70/30 split, the snap only occurs when the last selected window in that screen was a window that was already part of a split. So if I click the 30% window sitting on the right, then select a normal chrome window floating in the middle of the screen, and press Win+Left, it will snap to the left 70% position. However, if the last window I selected before doing that was another normal window, it will not snap to 70% when I press Win+Left. It snaps to 50/50 and it even forgets the fact that the other windows were on 70/30 splits – in other words, once I’ve done this mistake, I can’t go back to selecting the 30% window, then select another window, and press Win+Left. That will still snap to the left 50%.

    3. So each time I make this mistake and reset the split, I need to re-adjust the middle line and re-snap the windows. However, and here comes the BSOD – when I’m in the middle of this re-snap to 70/30 – eg I already did the split, moved the middle line to 70/30, selected the 30% window, and then select the window I want to re-snap – if I select a window that was already snapped to the left 50%, and press Win+Left, it doesn’t snap to 70%. It moves to the Left2 Monitor, to a right 50% position! And along with that move, Windows crashes, with the Blue Screen of Death. Interestingly, the center monitor (main monitor) shows BSOD. Left1 and Right monitors go black. However, Left2 and TopRight monitors stay alive, although they are unresponsive (I haven’t tested whether dynamic elements in the screen that don’t require user input do move, but I assume the screen is frozen). What’s interesting is that the dead monitors are hooked to the RTX 2070, and the alive ones are connected to the GTX710.

    I had this happen twice in the same week, and now I know that this is a very specific sequence of event to trigger it. Both times the window being moved was a chrome window, but Windows freezing is annoying enough that I’m not gonna try to test if it happens with other applications.

  • 5:42 pm on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    Despite Trump time and again attacking California as a prime example of Democrat-led election fraud, California may be the best example that outcome-reversing, large-scale election fraud is NOT happening.

    Because Trump’s reasoning goes, California has rigged the system so hard that it had 3 million votes in support of Clinton in 2016. And that shows how Dems committed fraud elsewhere in the nation.

    Anyone with a faint understanding of the Electoral College would understand that following Trump’s logic, either the Dems are the stupidest cheaters in history, or that it shows that electoral fraud is not happening.

    There is no need to rig votes in California. People dislike Trump and Republican policies already. You can’t push some buttons and add zeroes to vote tallies – a single recount operation would immediately uncover the fraud. (Again.. only for people who actually care to understand the system.. sigh). People need to actually generate hundreds of thousands, or according to Trump, millions of illegitimate ballots in every county across the state, to ensure that the tallies add up. And the Dems are doing that in California, of all places? What a waste of fraud operation resources. If the Dems ever try to pull fraud, it would be in Florida or Virginia, not California.

    The fact that California had a such a landslide for Clinton despite Dems not doing any fraud makes it more plausible that other states didn’t either.. well.. actually this train of thought doesn’t make a satisfactory conclusion. The California claim is nonsense. Unfortunately it’s not enough to prove this by pure logical reasoning for other states. Never mind..

  • 5:30 pm on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    holy shit I watched one Trump front page ad and now YouTube is showing Breitbart in recommended channels

  • 1:25 pm on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    installed the Homies app. Oh my god.. this app’s technology is shit, and it seems to be teeming with ring winger latin american immigrants… i’ll check around the mood of the users a little longer

  • 12:13 am on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    Can we reenact the Rose Garden event and this time bring special guest Elon Musk? He made amazing contributions to space and to the technology of electricity, or something. He needs to share a few words on the podium about Artificial Intelligence, after Hope’s remarks.

  • 10:50 pm on October 3, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    Adobe Media Encoder was acting up, I restarted, and now after a system restart it’s working.. but it told the GT710 card to do the encoding work, and left the RTX 2070 idle. What the heck…_

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 10:56 pm on October 3, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      and after 15 minutes, the main video sequence ends up all black in the encoded file. amazing.

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 11:16 pm on October 3, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      I can’t seem to find information online. My search only triggers people complaining about Media Encoder picking up on the Integrated GPU, and I don’t see anyone with two discrete graphics cards.

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 11:55 pm on October 3, 2020 Permalink | Reply


      Today, I added an After Effects sequence into the Premiere project, to show audio spectrum waves synced to audio.

      1. having premiere load up media encoder upon queue makes encoder crash
      2. if I launch media encoder first before telling premiere to queue the encode, then it works. it takes a very long time to do some prep, however, and then all video scenes after the AE portion, mid-video, comes out black. the video (and also some scenes where I had a photo as a background are also gone) is black, but the audio is there, and also the text layers also made it. So it’s normal video, then the AE portion (which comes out normal) and then the remainder is just a very long 30 minute continuous black, interrupted by some moments of text layers. the video scenes before the AE portion are fine. Another problem is that the hardware encoder is using the GT710 card (maxed at 100%, and really slow, of course) instead of RTX2070 like it did before.
      3. I tried using Premiere’s in-house encoder (“export” instead of “queue”) and it was just stuck for a long time at 0%
      4. I disabled GT710 in Device Manager. Still, all the above problems persist.
      5. I removed the AE portion and then the video encoded fine. Since I still have the GT710 disabled, it encoded fast using the RTX2070
      6. Finally, I created a new sequence just for the AE portion, and exported it into a MP4. I then imported that MP4 back into the video project, and swapped it in place of the original AE portion. So there’s no AE in the project to be exported. now it works!

      I also downloaded Nvidia Studio drivers 456.38 from September 2020, but haven’t installed it yet. I bought the RTX2070 in early August and installed the August game-focused driver release. I ‘m going to install the new driver now. Maybe it will help with the dual GPU problem

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 12:07 am on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      plot thickens – installed NVIDIA STUDIO DRIVER : 456.38 – Release Date: Thu Sep 17, 2020 and it made my GT710 unable to work anymore. Device Manager error message: “This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31) The I/O device is configured incorrectly or the configuration parameters to the driver are incorrect.”

      Did this happen because I disabled GT710, restarted computer, made the encoder do the encode, and then enabled GT710, and without restarting installed the drivers? Not sure.

      I’m gonna install the GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER – WHQL 456.55 – Release Date: Mon Sep 28, 2020 and hope that this fixes things.

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 12:09 am on October 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      the second update automatically restored the five monitors. I also tried to do the encoding, and this time the Media Encoder is using the RTX2070 even though I have both GPUs enabled. I’m not gonna touch that AE sequence for a while – will stick to the two-step export trick instead.

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 9:02 pm on October 5, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Media Encoder is again using the GT710 card! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 8:59 pm on October 8, 2020 Permalink | Reply

    • Yongho Kim 김용호 12:29 am on October 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      today, it uses the RTX2070. One difference is this time I had OBS turned off. Did encoder skip RTX 2070 seeing that it was being moderately used by OBS?

    • Yongho Kim 9:09 am on December 30, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Seems to be solved. So it’s possible to specify the GPU to be used from OBS when there are multiple GPUs. So maybe if I assign OBS to the slower GPU, maybe Encoder will automatically pick up the “less busy” and faster GPU?

      I reinstalled the GT710 card. On first boot, Windows didn’t detect it. I changed it PCI slot location to the one underneath the main GPU and restarted, and this time it picked it up as GPU 0. Upon another restart, it was picked up as GPU 1 (I see the GPU number in Task Manager). I configured OBS to use GPU 1’s NVENC for streaming (also changed Preset from Quality to Performance and Profile from High to main.. just in case the GT710 would choke on the workload. These are downgrades in image quality, I think. Also, hopefully what OBS means by “GPU 1” is what the Task Manager means by GPU 1), then started a livestream, and opened Premiere and encoded a video. This time the encoder is using the GT710. This is the third boot – we’ll see whether Windows continues to assign GPU 1 to the GT710 on future bootups or whether this allotment is somehow arbitrary (which would mean that OBS settings would need to be changed for each restart)

      After doing this, and quitting Encoder, I see that the RTX2070’s load is at 35%-40% even though the only graphically intensive thing running is OBS.

    • Yongho Kim 11:03 am on February 22, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      It seems that the setting to specify the GPU is gone in the current version of OBS. (At this point, I don’t remember well if there was the option back in December of last year)

  • 11:08 pm on September 29, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    are there studies of peoples’ behavior after learning they are asymptomatic? i wonder if they try to self-quarantine or go into “zero fucks, enjoy life” mode since covid can’t kill them now

  • 11:06 pm on September 29, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    I got a new Notice to Pay Rent in 15 days or quit in 30 days notice in the apartment owner following the new AB3088 law. One more thing to be juggling in October.. nice

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