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  • 9:00 am on September 29, 2024 Permalink | Reply  

    needs to be scrapped in favor of a new, more modern app.

    I think we should be careful what we wish for. I can see them remaking the app with beautiful curves and intuitive workflow and then implementing a required “foreigner registration number” into the ticket purchase procedure.

    “We improved national security and ensured only lawful foreigners are aboard our transportation systems, working together with Homeland Security by integrating a registration number verification system.”

    “What? Tourists don’t have a registration number? Oh… hmm”

    “Well, they don’t speak Korean anyway, they didn’t need the app”

    “The app has an English option…? Why?”

    “I don’t think we can remove the registration number requirement, because then the app would be not in compliance with Assembly Law Number 25-093”

    “Oh well. We’ll talk to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to require all tourists to register and receive the registration system prior to each visit then. This way they can use the Korail app, while also ensuring tourism doesn’t endanger national security. Especially all those Chinese tourists.”

  • 1:57 pm on September 24, 2024 Permalink | Reply

    I was planning to apply to a BizPlat and PerPlat in December, and just biding my time until that happened.

    I went 5k over MSR on my latest card (lots of unexpected expenses), the Hilton Surpass. It still can get a FNA after meeting $15k by end of year… although its value is questionable.

    I felt I was wasting away spend, and applied for a P1 BizGold LL with referral (this would be my third bizgold) two weeks ago for 200k+30k $15k MSR. 6mo-0%APR The application never went anywhere. It didn’t even register in the application status page.

    So last weekend I had P2 apply for a NLL 200k $10k, which was instantly approved. Then I learned about the immediate PizPlat upgrade trick to get 120k more out of the same spend and was pondering it.. hmm will this be worth the extra annual fee..

    And then three days later the original BizGold was approved. I guess we are just doing these two until December and not any other BizPlats, then.

  • 8:15 pm on September 13, 2024 Permalink | Reply

    Booked domestic transcon first class with Avios. Then rebooked in economy, still saving $900 in the process.

    • LAX-DCA AA F for 43k+$10 Avios via Qatar (cash $800), 3 people, D-6 -> cancelled
    • LAX-DCA AA Y for 11k+$5 Avios via Finnair (cash $450), 2 people, D-3 -> flown
    • Return flight in cash

    My mother recently had a major spinal surgery and has been in recovery for a few weeks now. During labor day weekend, we had to urgently travel from LAX to DCA. She was unsure whether the travel would be okay given her recent surgery. Her doctor said it was okay. I thought we could ease her worry if we booked it in first class, and luckily found some D-6 in AA first with Qatar Avios! A Friday 9am flight! Booked LAX-DCA for three at 43k Avios+$10 pp, for $800 tickets. Also found that Alaska was running lowered first class prices, and booked return flights in frst at $730 pp.

    Then we had a sudden change of circumstances and had to postpone the trip two weeks. We cancelled, and now we were stuck with a big stash of Alaska flight credits. Mom wanted to drain the credits ASAP. So we booked us the flights again. Then, mom’s health worsened and she had to cancel. We still had to go, so my wife and her sister went to DC.

    Unfortunately, there was no AA nor AS partner F availability this time.

    We were about to book the crazily overpriced D-4 $450 LAX-DCA oneway Y tickets with Alaska credits, and I said wait a minute.. maybe we can book these for just 11k Avios via Finnair! And there they were, luckily available.

    On the return, they are flying AS F with the flight credits. ($850/pp)

    We were left with $480 in leftover Alaska credits. I told them we’ll book them the AA Y flights, and we’ll take the leftover Alaska credits for ourselves in exchange. (Since these flight credits belong to my mom.) Combined with an Alaska companion voucher, the credits will cover us for a roundtrip for two to somewhere in Mexico.

    Family saved money, and we got ourselves a two-person roundtrip to Mexico for 22k Avios. Everyone is happy.

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