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  • 4:24 pm on July 17, 2024 Permalink | Reply  

    > Why does no one post on Instagram anymore?

    I only post on social media from my computer, where I can fully engage with the text, copy/edit, separate paragraphs, quote others, include hyperlinks, etc. When I type on my smartphone, I feel caged.

    Instagram doesn’t allow computer access. I have to create a fake User-agent data via a browser plugin to coax Instagram into allowing me to post photos from my computer. I see people writing long essays on Instagram or posting screenshots of stuff they typed, or saying “hey I can’t put the link in this post but go to my profile’s linktree and click on the 14th button” and I’m like wow.. y’all are recreating the wheel.

    Since it doesn’t let me post, I don’t open or engage with the app either. I open it about once a month to look at a reel link that someone shared via text message. Then I notice that there is a red notification indicating a ton of reel DMs sent to me since the last time I logged in. I ignore that notification. None of them are real DMs. I figure it’s a medium for people who are digitally illiterate, all they know to do is pinch, zoom and tap.

    I experimented briefly with Instagram a couple years ago, and after experiecing these shortcomings, I created a new WordPress blog with a photoblog theme, where I can type and hyperlink to my heart’s content, shit’s searchable and content can be structured and organized in whatever format I want it to, and can live in a content ecosystem. That’s my Instagram.

  • 4:32 pm on July 16, 2024 Permalink | Reply  

    Howard Jarvis is funny

    Ballot Measure Information & Recommendations

    > No on 6
    > Why we’re against it
    > Proposition 6 bans mandatory work requirements for state prison inmates. It doesn’t seem fair to further increase the burden on taxpayers by creating the conditions to negotiate higher wages for inmates who are paying off their debt to society by serving their sentences in state prison. VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 6.

    They also got a typo on 36:

    > Yes on 36
    > Why we’re against it

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