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  • 9:19 pm on July 31, 2023 Permalink | Reply

    > Is the Korean word “부 (Bu)” pronounced as “poo” and does it mean “wealth”?

    It’s pronounced boo, as in “he’s my boo”.

    I’m gonna attempt to explain my street level knowledge of the influence of hanja (written chinese) in korean here…

    Thousands of Korean words are actually korean pronunciations of chinese words that were inherited hundreds of years ago. It’s similar to how many words in an european language actually descend from latin – for example english word administration comes from administratio in latin, iglesia (church) in spanish comes from ecclesia in latin, etc.

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  • 4:06 pm on July 27, 2023 Permalink | Reply

    Citi Premier rejection after a 6-week review. It seems they were taken aback by the large number of inquiries and new cards but still wanted to look at it and requested tax records, but they saw that my AGI was much lower than reported in the application and rejected it.

  • 4:08 pm on July 23, 2023 Permalink | Reply

    They are weaved together from young-trending internet-centric niche jargon, which they themselves originate from various contexts.

    • 하수/고수 (and 중수 which I’ve heard less often) are old terms used to refer to the level of skill of a person or level of strategy. Could be used to describe the skill level of a Go(바둑) player, or skill of fighters in a traditional martial arts-themed literature (무협지). Martial arts literature has tended to take itself a bit seriously (even though they are describing fictional skills and mythical beings), and they use an absolute fuckton of superlatives to invite interest to the story and its character, so to lean into martial arts literature jargon invites some humor. These terms made their way into the internet (more to the DC인사이드-like bulletin board cultures), and also intermingled back and forth into gaming culture. (It started off by gamers using it to describe each other’s skill, and then some Korean games actively adopted the terminology as part of their official jargon, albeit with a light sense of ironic humor given that it has one origin foot in martial arts literature)
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  • 7:06 pm on July 21, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    What’s one “rule” of credit cards you didn’t know when you were younger? The one “rule” I didn’t know/understand was that you should always pay your statement balances off in full every month.

    This is so funny. I had the completely opposite misunderstanding & experience.

    When I entered college, I saw credit card promo posters in the university buildingin halls. Most of these posters prominently higlighted the APR interest rate in big bold font: “Low 20% APR after an introductory 6-month period!” “25% APR!”

    I saw those posters, and I thought:

    “Okay so they are saying that if I pay $100 using a credit card, I have to immediately pay back $120? That’s… dumb and wasteful. Americans are weird. I’m sticking with cash and debit cards and I’m never going to use credit cards.”

    (More …)
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