I think questions like these and other “dumb” questions reflect how the human psychology works

a lot of peoples’ casual understanding on topics work by making associations of topics that the person considers to be similar/related
when it becomes their professional field and they need to draw logical inferences then the mind works different on that topic,
but even those engineering-oriented people do often default back into this “dumb” way of thinking for fields in which they don’t have a full picture/don’t understand well/don’t have all the information

i’ve spent almost all my life triyng to minimize this type of information friction for people who can’t be bothered to sit down and learnn about some aspect of life that is not a priority for them for one reason or another so this is is super familiar to me

idk if this is a good example to illustrate thiss, but
like the other day I discovered that “현미” (brown rice in korean language) and “brown rice” are the same thing
I discovered this after like 20+ days of hearing the two words, in very separate, isolated worlds. One is a Korean-speaking world where people discuss well-being and healthy eating, and the other is English-speaking Thai restaurants.
then yesterday I went to a Korean supermarket, and bought brown rice, and noticed that it says “현미” and “brown rice” in the same bag

i was like :aMindBlown: