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  • 9:26 pm on May 16, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    i didn’t have anyhthing to watch after subscribing to hbo max so i started watching big bang theory for the first time
    i had seen it referenced it in politics debates here and there but never got to see it because i don’t watch tv and it sounded a lot like “american culture” like friends or something
    but shit’s hilarious!
    four college nerds being socially awkward

  • 7:58 pm on May 11, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    lol calm down newsom

    • Yongho Kim 9:02 am on May 12, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      these seem to be overarching messages, which is a bit concerning are these going to be effective?

      this recall is Trump Round 2. Recalls supporters support Trump. Trump’s manager is helping Caitlin.
      Newsom stood for you, with masks & covid response. Now it’s our turn to protect him.

  • 11:47 am on May 10, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    I’m remembering how Trump in Late March 2020 said “we are gonna reopen the first week of April 2020, just in time for Easter. You are gonna have a beautiful Easter”

    Yeah because piece of shit cares about religion so much

  • 10:36 pm on May 9, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    i saw a question on r/askhistory about Pytheas, an ancient greek who sailed from northern Italy to various regions in northern Europe, British isles, and somewhere very far up north “six days sailing from the main British island” where the guy saw and recorded the effects of the arctic, ice covering the ocean, etc
    looked it up on wikipedia and youtube and it’s fascinating


    people speculate how far did the guy get, possibly one of the islands off the northern coast of Britain, or northern coast of Norway, or (unlikely) Iceland or even Greenland

    imagining how you are out and about seeing things you’ve never heard about before and then they must have felt like if they don’t make it back home alive they can’t tell others of the crazy stuff they saw, makes me anxious and i kind of enjoy that lonely-anxious imagined feeling

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