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  • 8:54 am on December 2, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    • Yongho Kim 2:00 am on January 16, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      So I moved in to the apartment with one foldable 6′ table from the previous apartment.

      After arranging things around, I felt it would be useful to get a second table. I ordered it, and it got seriously lost in the shipping process. Its estimated delivery date went crazy, at one point reaching year 2035. I contacted Staples multiple times, and it finally came in.

      A few days after setting up that table, I thought “huh.. I think 3 tables.. would come in handy”. I wasn’t sure if I *really* needed another table, though. I hesitated for a day. Then Staples offered a $15 discount coupon, as a follow-up from my initial order. So I used it to order table #3.

      The next day, yet another table was delivered to my house. This was not table #3. This was the original shipment for table #2, which apparently had been lost in logistics purgatory for over a week, and finally made it out to my house. Turns out that Staples never figured out what went wrong with that shipment, so they shipped a new table. So now I had two tables for order #2.

      Table #3 had not arrived yet, but now I was looking forward to having four tables total at the house – original table #1, table #2a, #2b, and #3 which would arrive in a few days.

      I proceeded by requesting a return of Table #2. Staples would send people to pick it up. So I thought I could give them Table #3, unopened.

      Then Staples, without ever picking up my return, marked my return as “picked up”. The refund got stuck for over 3 weeks, but I finally got them to process it in January.

      So at the end of the day, I paid $65 after taxes, and ended up getting 3 tables, each worth $80 after taxes. I think my current room layout works with 3 tables. But not with 4 tables. I’m gonna give away my table #3 to a friend.

  • 5:27 pm on November 19, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    just in time, two weeks after my new apartment application was approved, my credit score dropped 70 points as October media purchases finally made it to my credit card bill. It’s still above 700 points though.

  • 8:58 pm on November 16, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

  • 11:44 pm on November 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    Class I (2018/2024) has become the Democrats’ most problematic class.

  • 10:49 am on October 31, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    Super interesting.

  • 10:49 am on October 31, 2020 Permalink | Reply  

    so i’ve noticed this weird trend in the comments section of reddit and youtube political content:

    • Summer: “It’s surprising how progressive the Biden campaign has become. Biden’s policies are the most progressive ever”
    • Summer-Fall: “we need to win an absolutely big landslide, people. So that Trump can’t try to twist the results in the courts. Don’t be complacent. Let’s vote.”

    I felt revulsed at the Summer comments and also that the online climate had suddenly changed like this, and sensed some public opinion manipulation campaign by mainstream democrats. Different from Trump supporters’ because it’s not completely false. (Biden’s team has been working with the more progressive alternatives), but this enthusiasm thing.. idk man.

    Now the Fall one is interesting. It’s asking voters to be strategic thinkers, but the strategy being asked doesn’t quite squarely connect with the call to action. “We need to win a landslide, so we need more voters than we normally need” – is what people would discuss in a national campaign office. But to tell the average voter/youtube viewer about this strat.. idk how this will motivate people to action. A lot of times, when you show people a big purely electoral vision and ask them to do a tiny thing to act on it, people feel a disconnect and don’t do anything, I think. I hope this one does though.

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