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  • 9:45 pm on November 25, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    > Can I join ICE if I have daca?

    are you gonna post it on the facebook group?

    “i wanna join ICE, and my brother says that i shoould be able to with my DACA. but I’m EWI, does that complicate things?”
    “btw also i haven’t renewed it after trump promised to pass the dream act take care of us and cancel DACA in 2017″
    “my friend who already joined ICE last year says that I should be able to apply from Ciudad de Mexico”
    “how do I apply for CBP to subsidize my flight and lodging costs while the consulate is processing my paperwork? I’m low-income”

    “prompt responses would be appreciated because I just landed in CDMX; meeting with my uncle who is hooking me up with notarios so it’s getting kinda busy”

    “i packed some edibles along for the trip. what forms do i need to fill out to file this with customs? you know, to keep things documented”

    “Alonso is also with me because family wanted to get all this taken care of and over with. Alonso is 14 years old, btw, so he needs to get back before classes start”
    “Alonso says he has some headache. are there spots in the city where he could get vaccinated without an appointment? He almost didn’t notice the kitchen fire last night until the alarm went off”

    “auntie says that I got a court summons in the mail at our home in America because of the store window that got broken because neighborhood bad hombres were having a fight with my friends.

    i think this is the third one.

    i don’t think my job interview and consular process would be done before the trial date though. maybe i can arrange to have ICE send a letter to the court requesting an extension?”

  • 4:24 pm on November 16, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    i sorted through some of the boxes and random shit i had left stored inside the closet
    now i have a roadmap to get rid of shit in storage through 2022
    this might be the biggest accomplishment of the day unfortunately

    in this sense it’s nice to have a big apt, you can have projects on hold for months on end without them impacting any of your daily routines because there’s space to stow away so much stuff

    i’m gonna go to the salvation army thrift store thursday to donate blankets and oversize clothes

  • 10:34 am on November 16, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    i found that amtrak has a $7 cancellation fee
    but if you reschedule the reservation, which is free,
    then it’s considered to be a new reservation
    and then it fits wtihin the time frame during which fee-free cancellation is allowed (not sure how long the time frame is)
    and then you can cancel it for no fee

  • 7:25 pm on November 15, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    the implicit message i’m getting by the govt not going too gung ho on the booster is something like:
    “guys, normally boosters (and this early) wouldn’t be something we even strongly recommend (seems a bit of an overkill) but because covid-19 is still a pandemic and there’s millions of people with the virus walking around,. we want to be extra cautious and that’s why we recommend the booster shot.

    HOWEVER, our biggest concern is the 30% of the population that has not even taken the first dose, so we will be busy with that group for a good long while – in the meantime, please take your booster. mostly to keep yourself safe, and yeah it will also help the general public health.

    now, get out of the way while i go to talk to some republicans”
    that’s the message i’m reading from the govt… without actually knowing anything about what a booster is or what they do :kek~1:

  • 7:02 am on November 12, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    I read about NFTs the other day and saw that it has no enforceability on digital item ownership (obviously, this is the internet after all, not Facebook)
    NFT on digital items is just the good ole contract
    With fancy tech slapped into the inventory system
    Why are we paying for an inventory system
    Just sign a contract where I the buyer bought a digital item and they assure me that I am the sole owner.. boom paper NFT


  • 12:10 pm on November 10, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    You know, Korea is a very strange country
    It’s one of the few countries where millionaires yell back at protestors “motherfucker do you pay taxes? Does your tax even count?” And then people online compare a millionaire 1:1 with a poor person and go “yeah he’s contributing to the economy alright”.

    And a lot of people seem to think that rich people earn more because they deserve more, they spend more and keep the economy running, they invest in real estate and jack up land prices – so an all-around “good person”. (Until it’s a woman, and then she’s a braindead wasteful spender) A lot of people complain about high house costs but very few resent large property owners.

    With a mentality like that it’s gonna make things just worse and harder for people to empathize with black peopl

  • 2:07 pm on October 30, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    at this 20-person work call yesterday, as an opening icebreaker, we were going around sharing what each person does for halloween
    i was like “oh halloween is coming up soon, cool :9acosp_stormihuhwtf: ”

    then that night in our family call my brother shared a vid of his son dressed up in hallooween costume
    i was gonna say “oh they are practicing so soon?”
    then i realized halloween was friday, not end of november

  • 9:54 am on October 30, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    Preordered the Pixel 6 on October 19. Amazon indicates it’s shipping on 10/28, expecting delivery on Monday 11/1. I’ve been looking at the product page every day, seeing if the ship date moves (indicating backorders, which would mean that earlier orders ship first.. I wasn’t sure whether this would be the case)

    | Thursday, October 28
    | Package arrived at an Amazon facility.
    | Baltimore, MARYLAND US

    Oh wow I didn’t expect it to ship the same day as it’s released. This is pretty early, maybe I can get it over the weekend!

    | Package arrived at an Amazon facility.
    | Ontario, CA US

    Same day arrival in CA! Nice!

    *refreshing the tracking page every 4 hours at this point*

    | Friday, October 29
    | 4:21 PM
    | Package arrived at an Amazon facility.
    | Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA US
    (delivery estimate changes to Sunday)

    omg it’s happening! Maybe it will deliver on Saturday! Saturday delivery?

    | 9:56 PM
    | Package left an Amazon facility.
    | Buena Park, CALIFORNIA US

    Huh.. it went to Buena Park? Some items sometimes do this – they arrive in LA, then go to Buena Park, then it says “lost in transit or delayed beyond original timeline, contact us for a refund if you don’t receive the item by X day” (and then the item does or does not deliver with a 50% chance)

    | Saturday, October 30
    | 5:35 AM
    | Package arrived at a carrier facility.
    | Los Angeles, US

    Oooh… is it gonna cut it in time to be on a USPS vehicle for Saturday delivery?

    | 10:00 AM and no updates

    Ah I think it missed the USPS window by an hour or two, and is now definitely slated for Sunday delivery.

    I’ve never refreshed the delivery tracker this much in my life. And at the end of the day the phone is not such a big deal.. I’m probably just bored, although the current phone is slightly laggy.

    Update: 11:00 AM


  • 7:55 pm on October 18, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    regarding squid games, i’m more concerned about the random “we have a just society here within the game. and you can’t break the rules of fairness” mini-arc. that random plot was unnecessary, was forced. and it didn’t get followed up on.

    “fairness” is a big codeword among the right wing in korea after the 조국 corruption scandal of 2017 and the antifeminist discourse post-2015

    we’ll have yet to see whether the director is a right wing incel in disguise a la attack on titan

  • 3:36 am on October 18, 2021 Permalink | Reply  

    Haha I dreamt that i was working with a team in a voter preferred language recognition project.. in a supermarket

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