the implicit message i’m getting by the govt not going too gung ho on the booster is something like:
“guys, normally boosters (and this early) wouldn’t be something we even strongly recommend (seems a bit of an overkill) but because covid-19 is still a pandemic and there’s millions of people with the virus walking around,. we want to be extra cautious and that’s why we recommend the booster shot.

HOWEVER, our biggest concern is the 30% of the population that has not even taken the first dose, so we will be busy with that group for a good long while – in the meantime, please take your booster. mostly to keep yourself safe, and yeah it will also help the general public health.

now, get out of the way while i go to talk to some republicans”
that’s the message i’m reading from the govt… without actually knowing anything about what a booster is or what they do :kek~1: